19 June 2024 - Online

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Purpose & Scope  

ALLPROS.eu is proud to invite you to an online event scheduled on 19th June 2024 from 15:30 - 17:00 CEST to showcase the contributions the project has received from the thematic working group on Skills. Creating a workforce with the right skills where funds may be mobilised for the Pact for Skills for microelectronics, chips and semiconductors across the complete supply chain is crucial. This thematic working group has prioritised the need for diverse talent and special attention will be given to teachers, schools and pupils to close the gap of skilled people needed in areas such as: design, front end and back-end process and production know-how, testing, simulation, system integration, material science, physics and chemical engineering and more to help achieve goals set.



Publication of the Blueprint report with recommendations that derive from the needs of the industry /market to help influence the decision of govts. on bridging the gap on skills in the semiconductor sector.

Don't miss out on the future of Semiconductors in Europe!

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15:30 - Welcome & Overview of the ALLPROS.eu Skills Thematic Working Group


Silvana Muscella
Silvana Muscella

CEO of Trust-IT, ALLPROS.eu Technical Coordinator

15:35 - Semiconductor Skills Shortage: Key trends, facts and figures in Europe


Giorgio Micheletti
Giorgio Micheletti

Consulting Director, IDC

15:40 - European Commission: Vision on the future of an Industry Alliance


Pierre Chastanet
Pierre Chastanet

Head of Unit - Microelectronics and Photonics Industry at European Commission - DG CONNECT

15:45 - Industry perspective and Industry-Led Initiatives


Bernie Capraro
Bernard Capraro

Intel Research and Development Ireland, EU Talent Development Programme Manager

15:55 - The Educational Perspective and Educational / Training programmes - Best Practices


Siddhesh Krishnan
Siddhesh Krishnan

Education Lead, EIT Digital

16:05 - Publicly funded projects and programmes in Europe and their results


Christopher Frieling
Christopher Frieling

Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, SEMI Europe

16:15 - A successful Government strategy for technology skills development - ProgeTiger (Education Estonia)



Kai Koort
Kai Koort

Project Manager, Education Estonia

16:25 Q&A
16:30-17:00 Panel discussion on preliminary recommendations

The panel will involve a mixture of government, policy, industry and academics who will describe the best way forward, from their experiences, to achieve a Triple Helix approach in supporting bridging the skills gap 



Christopher Frieling
Christopher Frieling

Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, SEMI Europe

Beatrice Boots
Beatrice Boots

Founder, EU Stem Coalition
Director, PTvT

Alfred Kersch
Alfred Kersch

Professor - Munich University of Applied Sciences

Kai Koort
Kai Koort

Project Manager, Education Estonia

17:00 Wrap-Up with & Next Steps