The Alliance on Processors and Semiconductor Technologies brings together key actors involved in the design and production of microelectronics chips.
The Industrial Alliance is an initiative launched by the European Commission complementing the European Chips Act. With ALLPROS.eu acting as its Secretariat, the Alliance strengthens collaboration across existing European semiconductor entreprises and initiatives.
The objective of the Alliance is to strengthen Europe’s digital sovereignty and competitiveness by identifying current gaps in the production of microchips and collaboratively align on future actions.
Who is involved?
The Industrial Alliance brings together over 100 members, which are identifying practical actions of delivery under the first three strategic Working Groups. Learn more about the members of the Alliance in the respective Working Groups areas:
The challenges Europe faces require a constant discussion between all the stakeholders. The Working Groups launched within the Industrial Alliance aim to provide a secure place for this to happen.
How to join the Working Groups?
Only members of the Alliance on Processors and Semiconductor Technologies can participate in the Working Groups.
Any organisation with relevant existing or planned activities in the area of processor and semiconductor technologies, including end-user companies, associations, and research and technology organisations, can join the Alliance.
Visit the official webpage of the European Commission to access the application form.

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The objective of the WGs is to raise a discussion on well-defined topics that need to be tackled to make the chips industry more resilient in Europe. The topics are aligned with the European Commission’s priorities and the list of members is up to approval by the ALLPROS.eu consortium. The list of open WGs will be gradually expanded to address more topics.
Working Group on Skills

The WG on Skills brings together a broad range of stakeholders who have interest and expertise in addressing the skills shortage in the chips industry. The WG on Skills is a closed group selected to represent the perspective of academia, policy-making and industry and contribute to the delivery of a landscape Blueprint on how to address the skills shortage in Europe.
The Working Group on Skills focuses on:
- Skills gaps analysis in the chips industry
- Best practices at the academia and industry level
- Proposals for future initiatives and policy recommendations
Working Group on Supply Chains
The WG on Supply Chains aims to provide an industry perspective on how to increase the semiconductor supply chain resilience in Europe. By sharing expertise and knowledge, the WG on Supply Chains advise the European Commission on possible future actions.
The Working Group on Supply Chains focuses on:
- State of the supply chain
- Potential disruptions, dependencies and challenges
- Analysis and recommendations for the future

Working Group on PFAS

The WG on PFAS promotes strategies to manage, mitigate and replace PFAS in semiconductor manufacturing. The WG includes manufacturers, suppliers, academia and research institutions to provide a comprehensive overview on the potential risks and recommendations.
The Working Group on PFAS analyses:
- Research priorities and existing studies
- Definition and standardisation of PFAS
- Process of conducting research and how to support the industry uptake