17 May 2023 - Online

ALLPROS.eu Online Webinar

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The webinar aims to bring together industry experts and leaders, policymakers, academic leaders, and industry associations to discuss the link between gender inclusion and the skills shortage in the semiconductor field.

The event will develop around its main topic, the link between the skills shortage and women’s role in the industry, through a series of sessions from leading experts and industry leaders. The series of presentations will provide a range of perspectives on how taking an inclusive approach to skills development will ultimately foster a more inclusive environment and culture within the European Semiconductor industry.

The webinar will feature a targeted introduction from the European Commission on their Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, presentation from initiatives that have already established themselves as important resources for skills development in Europe such as the EU STEM Coalition, and insights and experiences from representatives’ women industry leaders. A final discussion will allow panelist to discuss their expectations, identify challenges and discuss how to shape the way toward an inclusive European semiconductor industry through skills development.


What are the main goals of this workshop?

  • Discuss the skills shortage affecting the European semiconductor industry and explore its relationship with inclusion.
  • Showcase successful initiatives providing upskilling opportunities and highlight their plans.
  • Provide a platform for interaction between key stakeholder groups involved in the Semiconductor sector (Government, Research & Academia, Business)
  • Provide opportunity to women leaders in the industry to share knowledge and highlight their achievements.
  • Discuss the next steps towards filling the skills gap for the European semiconductor sector through actions fostering and inclusive approach.


Who should attend?

The event is a must-attend for market actors in the sector including SMEs, mid-caps and industry representatives, industry associations, universities, research centers and education institutions. The event is open to anyone interested in fostering an inclusive approach to innovation in the field of semiconductors through skills building.

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Welcome & Introduction


Silvana Muscella
Silvana Muscella

CEO of Trust-IT, ALLPROS.eu Technical Coordinator

14:00 - 14:10 - Introducing the current industry landscape and identifying links between inclusion and skills development


Introduction by the European Commission on the trends and challenges in the European semiconductor industry.


Lucilla Sioli
Lucilla Sioli

Director Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry (CNECT.A), European Commission

​​​​​​​14:10 – 15:30 - Session 1: Exploring avenues to integrate inclusion into initiatives and projects promoting skills development
​​​​​​​14:10 – 14:50 - 1.1: Current EU initiatives on promoting skills


Discover the current EU initiatives promoting skills development in the semiconductor industry through innovative & targeted activities.


Enrico Sangiorgi
Enrico Sangiorgi

University of Bologna, AENEAS, Inside & EPoSS Summer School

Salvatore Moccia
Salvatore Moccia

Head of Education and Skills, EIT Digital

14:50 – 15:30 - 1.2: Governments, Academia and Industry’s perspective on driving Innovation through inclusion and skills building


A panel discussion between industry, government & academia representatives on how can partnerships drive innovation in the microelectronic sector and what is the role of diversity and inclusion in it. 


Davide Casarin
Davide Casarin

White Research, ALLPROS.eu


Francis Balestra
Francis Balestra

SiNano Institute Director & ICOS Project Coordinator


Anna Riverola
Anna Riverola

National Manager for Spain, SiPearl


Roland Krüppel
Roland Krüppel

Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Electronics and Autonomous Driving; Supercomputing Division, Germany



Yannick Treige
Yannick Treige

ASML, EU Government Affairs


15.30 – 15.40 - Stretch legs & Coffee Break


10 minutes break

​​​​​​​15:40 – 16:30 - Session 2: Benefits of prioritizing inclusion toward addressing the skills gap
15:40 – 16:00 - 2.1: Industry Reflections & Results from the Women and Girls in STEM Forum


Reflections by Françoise Chombar (MELEXIS) on the connection between diversity, equity and inclusion in relation to the innovative capacity of the industry.


Presentation by Cornelia Crucean (EIT Raw Materials) on the main challenges in closing the gender gap and the results on the Women and girls in STEM forum.


Françoise Chombar
Françoise Chombar

MELEXIS Chairwoman, Pact For Skills Flanders STEM network

Cornelia Crucean
Cornelia Crucean

EIT Raw Materials, Girls go Circular

16:00 - 16.30 - 2.2: Panel Discussion: Benefits of prioritizing inclusion toward addressing the skills gap


Panel discussion on skills development programs and the role of inclusion, how businesses can optimise their internal culture & training, and how can we support more women in pursuing a career in STEM-related fields.


Françoise Chombar
Françoise Chombar

MELEXIS Chairwoman, Pact For Skills Flanders STEM network


Mihaela Tudor
Mihaela Tudor

Global Vice President, European Women’s Association


Tatiana Panteli
Tatiana Panteli

EuroTech Universities Alliance


Patrick Bressler
Patrick Bressler

Fraunhofer Microelectronics Group


Christopher Frieling
Christopher Frieling

Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, SEMI Europe


16:30 - 16.40 - Upcoming Calls, Closing remarks & Main Take-Aways


Stefano Selleri, DG Connect, European Commission, together with Silvana Muscella, CEO of Trust-IT, Technical coordinator of ALLPROS.eu, will provide an overview of the upcoming calls, main takeaways and conclusions from the webinar.


Stefano Selleri
Stefano Selleri

European Commission, DG CONNECT

Ioannis Gaviotis
Ioannis Gaviotis

European Commission, DG CONNECT

Silvana Muscella
Silvana Muscella

CEO of Trust-IT, ALLPROS.eu Technical Coordinator