20–21 February 2024 - Hotel Le Paza Brussels - Adolphe Maxlaan 118-126 1000 Brussels Belgium

ECS Brokerage Event 2024

The ECS Brokerage Event 2024, co-hosted by AENEAS, EPoSS, and INSIDE, is scheduled for February 20-21 in Brussels. Anticipated to attract over 400 stakeholders and key players, this edition will highlight opportunities presented by the newly launched Chips Joint Undertaking and the Horizon Europe Programme.

Showcasing Project Ideas 

At the ECS Brokerage Event, it will be possible to share a project idea through a 5-minute pitch or by showcasing a project idea poster. It is recommended to utilize the ECS Collaboration Tool to share your proposal and commence crafting your pitch presentation and poster using the provided templates.

Showcasing companies: 

The ECS Brokerage represents a unique opportunity to spotlight companies to a wide array of potential partners. Deliver a complimentary five-minute pitch to showcase your SME's expertise and capabilities. Interested? Submit your presentation via email to contact@aeneas-eposs-inside.eu before the deadline on February 13, 2024.


Registration, and more information on the event is available here
