3 December 2024 - Online

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In an increasingly competitive and complex environment, Networks are the entry point to any company, any customer, any consumer. Networking is playing a pivotal role in the Datacenter and in the Edge. To build a resilient and flourishing semiconductor industry in Europe, it is essential to provide components to several networking activities from cloud to core to edge.
With the rise of AI and GenAI and the power of computing, a whole new set of capabilities and features will have to be implemented.
This will require additional chip power, either embedded in networking equipment or in the form of specialized chips in servers or in some cases dedicated appliances.
This will boost the semiconductor industry to rapidly develop and manufacture the chips to support these new capabilities whether in the form of standard processing units or custom ones.
In this webinar, we will take a look at the current market as well as speak to essential players in the market that will point to the new trends and innovations in the near future as well as ley the ground work to what will be needed in the long run.
Why join the webinar?
Networking is key to any digital transformation.
Having the right tools, technology and people can make a difference in a company's journey to achieve a more professional, automated network.
Interesting developments in the Networking space that have already been launched and others about to do so, raise the awareness of the amount of data being transferred at all times and the potential risk with that data.
Objectives of the webinar
- Analyse the networking market, what factors influence it, and the power it has to affect the semiconductor industry
- Understand how the semiconductor industry is pushing new frontiers when it comes to specialised components for networking
- Unveil the drivers and challenges to a booming semiconductor industry in Europe and how policy driven projects can support it
- Introduction
- The state of affairs of the semiconductor industry when it comes to Networking
Len Padilla
IDC - The crucial role of the semiconductor industry in Network modernization
Patrick Schmidt
AMD - The future of Networking & the semiconductor sector
Enrico Mercadante
(Cisco) - Q&A