10 September 2024 - Online

AENEAS, EPoSS, and INSIDE are hosting an online Networking Event for Competence Centres Applicants on September 10, 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST.
This workshop is aimed at representatives of upcoming Competence Centers chosen by their national public authorities. Participants will have the chance to:
- Present their proposal in a 3-minute pitch
- Share insights and coordinate with other applicants
- Get valuable feedback and guidance from industry association representatives and the Chips JU Office team
The Chips JU calls for 2024 on Competence Centres opened on 4 July 2024. Key calls include Chips-2024-CCC-1 for selecting designated Competence Centres and Chips-2024-CCC-2 for building a network of these centres, enhancing collaboration across Europe. The deadline for both calls is 2 October 2024.
Registration is mandatory here: https://vdivdeit.webex.com/weblink/register/rb9cd16e0b63dd8bcb2690efba80eec84
More information about the Chips JU calls can be found in the official Chips JU website.