10 September 2024 - Online

Watch the recording for the webinar "Semiconductors in the World of Cloud, Edge, and IoT," organised in collaboration with Unlock-CEI. This event detailed the integral connections between cloud computing, edge computing, IoT, and semiconductor technology.
This two-hour webinar illustrated how advancements in semiconductor technology underpin innovations in cloud computing, edge computing, and IoT, and vice versa. Through engaging discussions and presentations, the webinar highlighted emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities in these rapidly evolving fields, fostering collaboration among cross-sectoral stakeholders to drive progress and innovation.
As UNLOCK-CEI approaches its conclusion in November 2024, the webinar presented key results and recommendations from this CSA, with a focus on sectors such as manufacturing, energy, and transportation. These presentations showcased Meta-Operating Systems use cases, demonstrating the critical role of semiconductors in enabling predictive maintenance in manufacturing, enhancing the efficiency of smart grids in energy, and supporting the development of autonomous vehicles in transportation.
At the same time, this was an opportunity for ALLPROS.eu, which is approaching the mid-point of its duration, to highlight the results achieved so far and discuss the current and future market trends related to semiconductors, particularly in combination with the increased demand for the new Cloud-Edge-IoT paradigm.
- 15:00-15:15 Introduction
Welcome remarks and insights on European Policy on Semiconductors and Cloud-Edge-IoT
Silvana Muscella
CEO of Trust-IT, ALLPROS.eu Technical CoordinatorThomas Reibe
European Commission - Supporting the implementation of the European chips act and Artificial Intelligence act and ICT standardisation coordinationRolf Riemenschneider
Head of Sector IoT, European Commission - 15:15-15:25 Market Assessment of semiconductor industry and future predictions
Luis Fernandes
Senior Research Manager, IDC EMEA - 15:25-15:35 Cloud-Edge-IoT Market insights and the intersection with semiconductors
Golboo Pourabdollahian
Senior Manager, IDC - 15:35-15:45 Semiconductors for Edge computing and IoT - Opportunities in the context of the EU Chips Act
Léo Saint-Martin
Associate Consultant, DECISION - 15:45-16:00 Cloud-Edge-IoT Use Cases pitch
Anasasios Zafeiropoulos
Researcher, NEPHELE - 16:00-16:10 Edge AI innovations under the Chips Act
Inessa Seifert
Senior Consultant, VDI/VDE Innovation - 16:10-16:40 Panel discussion: Requirements of future chips for CEI, moderated by Trust-IT (30 min)
Discussing their dependencies and the associated risks and resilience of the European industry to new threats and opportunities
Léo Saint-Martin
Associate Consultant, DECISIONPatrick Pype
Director Strategic Partnerships, NXPOvidiu Vermesan
Chief Scientist, SINTEF - 16:40-16:55 Q&A Session
- 16:55-17:00 Wrap-up and Closure