25 July 2024 · 3 min read

The Launch of the Alliance on Processors and Semiconductor Technologies took place on the 9 July 2024 with its first webinar, organized by the European Commission and supported by ALLPROS.eu. The webinar marked the launch of three strategic Working Groups aimed at addressing some of the most critical challenges for the semiconductor ecosystem today.
Strengthening the semiconductor industry plays a fundamental role in driving innovation and technological advancement in Europe. With supply chain disruptions and geopolitical tensions affecting the complex and truly globally integrated semiconductor value chain, boosting the manufacturing capabilities has become a priority to ensure resilience and competitiveness.
Officially introduced in July 2021, the Alliance on Processors and Semiconductor Technologies is set to increase cooperation between the key actors in the semiconductor sector and collectively address the most pressing challenges. The Alliance particularly focuses on the industry perspective and aims at identifying gaps in the chips manufacturing to provide recommendations for the future.
The inaugural webinar gathered over 50 organizations from 11 EU member states. Hosting over 100 participants, the event presented the principal objectives, potential outputs and modus operandi that will be followed in the upcoming months by the Alliance members.
Alliance: Composition and Working Groups
The Alliance on Processors and Semiconductor Technologies is composed of organizations in the field of processors and semiconductors, whose membership and participation has been reviewed and approved by the European Commission. Through a set of Working Groups, the Alliance will provide crucial insights on the main challenges and potential solutions to make the industry future-proof.
During the webinar, three Working Groups have been officially launched:
Working Group on Supply Chains
The WG would bring forward the stakeholders’ perspective on the supply chain and the relevant activities industry is taking up to increase the supply chain’s resilience. By bringing together suppliers and end-users, the WG is set to provide crucial insights on the state of the supply chain in Europe and beyond and identify risks of potential disruptions, as well as dependencies and chokepoints.
Working Group on PFAS
The use of PFAS poses significant environmental and societal risks, prompting anticipated government restrictions. To support the semiconductor industry's transition away from PFAS, the WG will provide a space for discussion on risk mitigation and sustainable alternatives.
Working Group on Skills
The skills shortage represents one of the most pressing challenges for the chips industry growth. To advance a coordinated approach in addressing the talent gap, the WG on Skills has been preliminary launched and has already delivered a Blueprint Report providing key recommendations and best practices. The WG will continue its work to promote targeted actions in Europe to bring together industry, academia and policy-makers in securing a wide and diverse talent pool in Europe.
Each Working Group will be supported by ALLPROS.eu, a coordination and support action project funded under the Digital Europe programme that serves as the Secretariat for the Alliance.
The Working Groups will meet on a regular basis and work in respect of collegiality and transparency to produce deliverables with crucial insights for the European Commission.
Who can become a member of the Alliance?
Any organization operating in the semiconductor sector can apply to become a member of the Alliance. Although it brings together primarily industrial players, also research organizations, universities, associations and clusters are encouraged to apply for membership.
In addition, organiszations can be invited on ad-hoc basis to the meetings if the members deem it necessary. Nevertheless, only member organiszations of the Alliance will benefit from voting rights.
To be part of the Industrial Alliance please fill out the form:
Application Form for the Industrial Alliance for Processors and Semiconductor Technologies. Even if there is no current interest in joining the first three Working Groups, new Working Groups may be set up by the members of the Alliance in the future as well.
Important: Next to filling out the application form, all applicants should sign the Declaration and meet the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Alliance’s Terms of Reference to be considered during the selection stage.
More information about the Alliance